Similar words: capital surplus, capital stock, capital structure, capital consumption, capital, capitally, to cap it all, capital loss.

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1 The taxpayer received not only a capital sum when the companies were sold but now also receives a substantial annual dividend.
2 What level of capital sum could be paid out of this fund to the two target groups?
3 The Crown then repaid the capital sum with interest from 31 July 1987 but refused to pay interest for earlier periods.
4 Sometimes they offer up to two years' rent free; in other instances a capital sum changes hands.
5 Such accommodation can often be let on a long lease or sold to raise a capital sum.
6 This payment structure is particularly suited to projects which generate a large capital sum on completion.
7 However, if he is able to continue work as a clerk, no capital sum under item 4 is payable.
8 On 15 July 1987, the Woolwich issued a writ to recover the capital sum and interest thereon.
9 When the insurance policy matures, the insured person will receive the capital sum agreed.
More similar words: capital surplus, capital stock, capital structure, capital consumption, capital, capitally, to cap it all, capital loss, capitalise, capitalism, capitalist, capitalize, seed capital, risk capital, loan capital, capital letter, capital lease, capital gain, debt capital, share capital, joint capital, capital input, raise capital, capital crime, capital budget, capitalistic, state capital, human capital, capital funds, capital goods.